
A Simple Guide for Constructing a Stairway Gallery Wall

There’s no better place in your house to display your family pictures than the walls of your stairway. The large blank walls which flank your staircase are just waiting to be used to their full potential. There are a few neat options to utilize when decorating your stairway walls.The first recommendation for decorating your stairway would be to choose frames that are similar either in shape, color or medium. Whether they are all white picture frames or all rectangular picture frames or all …
23rd Jul 2017

Framing and Presenting Artwork for Art Exhibits

Showcase your artwork in the best light! Great works of art deserve a great presentation. Poor framing and presentation will weaken the artwork’s impact, even make it look horrible. On the other hand, a well-framed and creatively presented work of art will shine even more and become your definitive work yet.Here are some guidelines when framing and preparing art for exhibits: The focus is on the artwork. The picture frame should simply do its job – to draw the viewers’ eye to the artwork …
10th Oct 2016